30 Days looking for Love tells the story of Keke, Gwen and Olin who become best friends since high school. Together when they enter university, the three girls lived in an old people's homes Olin. Despite their different departments at the university there is always something they could do together after college like eating pizza together, renting videos and watching movies together at home.
One night, when they watched the movie "Titanic", their hearts touched. They just realized after all this time, they have lost and do not ignore a very important thing is LOVE. The only guy they know is Bono, their neighbor. As a result they always walk together without ever accompanied by men, they were dubbed "the lesbians" by their enemy gang led by Barbara.
Therefore, they think to get a girlfriend. However, this idea only made their friendship eventually crack because they bet each other to determine who most quickly get a lover. The bet is to find love in 30 days. The winner will be served by the losing forever.
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